Miss FIONA Well like most, maybe all? of the dogs we have fostered I love this one also. She can be an irritating pest at times but for the most part, she is just a playful, silly, young thing. I ended up being home today and she has slept quietly in her doggie bed most of the time just like her older foster sisters. Our one dog Suzie is a good manners instructor for her and tries to teach Fiona when play gets too rough to tone it down. Fiona can learn very quickly who is her friend, especially if they give her yummy treats. She may react nervously at first introductions so we take that slow with her. She has been outside more as it has warmed up and is getting used to neighborhood noises and activity. Not too much alarm barking going on. She does howl at sirens though. One of her many cute quirks. I came home with a BAD migraine headache this week and she laid up by my head. She has never done that in bed before, could she know I needed a little TLC? Maybe, because "nurse...