Fiona Well, we are starting to get out for a few more walks as it is warming up. We got her a harness because she wants to pull so much I worried about her neck. Our dog walker used the word-crazy- to describe her enthusiasm. Today she got all barky and growly at a snowman and oversized Easter rabbit lawn decorations she saw. Just has a lot to learn about this big world yet. She did ignore kids out playing basketball, in the past they were scary monsters to her too. I seem to be having picture uploading issues. Sorry. Just know she is getting cuter each day.
Showing posts from March, 2019
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FIONA She was her busy self outside today. So many things to sniff, twigs to chew and squirrels to chase. We have our back yard fenced in and this was money well spent. She may be a very small dog but she will not be happy just sitting on a couch all day. Wait did I hear a squirrel? Hmm, there seems to have been a squirrel in MY yard! Outside enjoying the sunshine
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FIONA Nosy Nellie wants to know what is under that plastic thing? She likes the little warm up we have gotten. She is not that worried about cold. Runs around in the snow so much she has even put cuts on her pads from the way it is so sharp and icy right now. I do not put little sweaters on her unless it is really cold. I think she is much more of the tomboy type anyway. She always wants to carry something out with her.