I guess we need to turn on the heat, Suzie and Patton are snuggling to stay warm. Really it is just that my Patton thinks she is "the bomb".
I looked at the views on this blog after it got put up on Fluffy Dog Rescues Face book page. Lots of attention. Not sure if one of those views will lead to a forever home anytime soon. I better go get in all my loving now, just in case. So often people say they could not foster these dogs, would be too sad when they leave. Yes we are somewhat sad of course but so happy to see them go onto a new LIFE. Yes LIFE, so many fewer dogs are being killed in shelters because of rescues and foster homes. It just frees up space in the crowded shelters. In rural Alabama where these dogs come from it is constant intake of dogs. Thanks for giving these guys a chance. Either buy from a reputable breeder or adopt. No pet store/breeding mill pups please. OK rant over.
Fiona, also known as Munch or just Fi. I guess I have not been keeping up on this blog. It wasn't getting many hits so I was not super motivated. That and I am more than happy to keep Fiona as long as I can. She is just a fun little dog to have around. She is silly, playful, and just a great companion. If I am home she is nearby. We kenneled her along with our 2 dogs for four days and they all did well I hear. I wasn't sure how she would take to people she did not know. I got a text within hours that she was getting belly rubs and the owner thought she was a hoot. When our dog sitter comes by they are best buddies also. Her potty training took a set back while my husband was home for weeks healing from surgery and missed her I need to get outside cues. If she messes inside it always is the same area so a potty pad may solve that. We have been on a good almost 2 wk no mess stretch again so crossing my fingers It is a rainy, lazy day so I figured some pictures of our li...
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