Hello everyone. Berry hanging outside by the flowers. She was pretty itchy(from fleas but don't tell) when she got to WI. As soon as she gets outside she rolls and stretches in the grass. Feels so good! Do not worry those little buggers are gone now. We treat the Fluffies at least 3 months in a row for fleas. A big problem in AL, I guess because it is always warm. So our cold and freezing weather is good for something. I've been calling her Gooseberry more than Strawberry or just Berry lately. As in " you are such a silly goose,Berry". Below she is sacked out after a game of race around the back yard and our nightly walk. Last night as I got ready to go to sleep she decided to hop in our bed next to our Schnauzer. Did not have the heart to put her in her crate so she stayed until my husband was ready to sleep later on. She did not fuss at all by being taken off. You can see her thinner hair in this picture. That is going to fill out in no time. Then she will be an even Fluffier Dog. Love her!


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